Rehabilitation Therapy

Rehabilitation Therapy in Harrisburg

Helping Your Pet Recover in Dauphin County

Animal Hospital of Dauphin County is committed to providing rehabilitation for our patients and our referral patients! Canine (animal) rehab uses the principles of human physical rehabilitation to help dogs and cats who are having difficulty moving, trouble walking, or who are in pain. It can also aid in helping animals regain muscle mass post operatively.

Our rehabilitation program includes a comprehensive evaluation by Dr. Fletcher, CCRT. A treatment plan is developed from the findings of the evaluation and in conjunction with the owner’s goals. Treatment is individualized and may include hydrotherapy, laser therapy, balance exercises, walking retraining, therapeutic exercises, soft tissue massage with manual therapy, stretching, and home exercise program.

Some conditions that can be helped with rehabilitation therapy include:

Interested in rehabilitation therapy for your pet? Contact us at or click the link below!

Our Rehabilitation Therapy Team

Dr. Jennifer Fletcher is our Certified Canine Rehabilitation Therapist (CCRT). She completed her training with the Canine Rehabilitation Institute through Colorado State University in September 2017.

Marah Eimer, CVT, CCRP completed the Certified Canine Rehabilitation Practitioner program at the University of Tennessee in 2018. Marah has been providing rehab therapy to patients under the previous supervision of Kelly Straub, MPT, CCRP, Dr. Cheryl Burke, CCRP and Dr. Brooke Lowenstein, CCRT for two years prior to 2017.

Elaine Erdman, CVT, CCRP earned her Bachelor of Veterinary Medical Technology with a concentration in biology in 2002, at Wilson College. After years in general medicine of small animals, her interest grew in helping post-operative and geriatric patients. In December 2015, she completed her certification in canine rehabilitation from the University of Tennessee.

Together, Dr. Fletcher, Marah, Elaine and their team are excited to continue providing this unique service to our clients and patients. Let us know if you are interested in rehabilitation for your pet!

Our Core Values

We Care About You And Your Pet

Veterinarian listening to orange cat's heartbeat through their stethoscope


Caring for pets since 1962.


Unparalleled medical care in a compassionate atmosphere.


We listen and partner with you to provide the best care for your pet.

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Caring for Furry Friends


Mon – Fri: 8:00am – 8:00pm
Saturday: 9:00am – 5:00pm
Sunday: Closed


Mon – Fri: 8:00am – 6:00pm
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed

Does Your Fur Baby Need Care?